The One about Baptism
Spring Classes
📅THIS Sunday, January 13 ⏰3-5PM
Take your next steps following Jesus by exploring what baptism means and why we do it. Next celebration scheduled for early March.
📅Tuesday, January 16 ⏰5:30-6:30PM
(for seven consecutive Tuesdays)
What does it mean to have a relationship with Jesus, a person we trust but can't see? Explore, practice and grow in 8 habits that reshape our hearts and lives around Jesus.
*Participants must buy "The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction" by Justin Whitmel Early. Other readings will be supplied. Please contact Pastor Michael if you need assistance.
📅starting Monday, March 18 ⏰6:30-8:00PM
(for thirteen consecutive Mondays)
We say we trust the Bible, but do we know what's in it? How do the weird parts connect to the whole? Explore an overview of God's Word designed to help you know your place in His story.
Monthly Events
January 2024
Weekly Rhythms
Worship Celebration @ 10:00 AM
Dignity Center @ 7:30AM
ZOOM Group @ 8:00 PM
Ladies Bible Study @ 10:00 AM
Youth Group @ 6:00 PM
Recovery Group @ 6:30 PM
Dignity Center @ 7:30
[Click here to see the full calendar of events.]
Catch Up
🎊Happy New Year!🎊
Spring Classes
📅Sunday, January 13 ⏰3-5PM
Take your next steps following Jesus by exploring what baptism means and why we do it. Next celebration scheduled for early March.
📅Tuesday, January 16 ⏰5:30-6:30PM
(for seven consecutive Tuesdays)
What does it mean to have a relationship with Jesus, a person we trust but can't see? Explore, practice and grow in 8 habits that reshape our hearts and lives around Jesus.
*Participants must buy "The Common Rule: Habits of Purpose for an Age of Distraction" by Justin Whitmel Early. Other readings will be supplied. Please contact Pastor Michael if you need assistance.
📅starting Monday, March 18 ⏰6:30-8:00PM
(for thirteen consecutive Mondays)
We say we trust the Bible, but do we know what's in it? How do the weird parts connect to the whole? Explore an overview of God's Word designed to help you know your place in His story.
Monthly Events
January 2024
Weekly Rhythms
Worship Celebration @ 10:00 AM
Dignity Center @ 7:30AM
ZOOM Group @ 8:00 PM
Ladies Bible Study @ 10:00 AM
Youth Group @ 6:00 PM
Recovery Group @ 6:30 PM
Dignity Center @ 7:30
[Click here to see the full calendar of events.]
Catch Up
Christmas @ Neighborhood
📅December 23
Family activities, tasty food, Christmas music-- altogether FUN!!
You're invited to a Christmas-time, family-friendly, musical celebration! Grab the kids, bring some chairs and enjoy live music outside, savor some tasty food and create some new memories. Hosted by Neighborhood Church, we're inviting & building community one conversation at a time.
Monthly Events
December 2023
Weekly Rhythms
Worship Celebration @ 10:00 AM
Dignity Center @ 7:30AM
ZOOM Group @ 8:00 PM
Ladies Bible Study @ 10:00 AM
Youth Group @ 6:00 PM
Recovery Group @ 6:30 PM
Dignity Center @ 7:30
[Click here to see the full calendar of events.]