If Faith Makes Life Harder, Why Bother? A Story of Two Brothers Changed My Mind
Every family has stories. Some make us feel warm and fuzzy when we remember them around the holidays. Others might give us that queasy feeling in our stomachs. Sometimes different family members remember the same story differently. And sometimes, the hardest part is remembering those who aren't at the table anymore.
These family stories – both the good and the difficult ones – are part of who we are. But have you ever wondered how God sees these stories? What's "the rest of the story" from His perspective?
Looking Through the Lens of Faith
The Bible tells us in Hebrews 11:1-3 that "Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." It's like putting on a special pair of glasses that helps us see the world the way God sees it. Just as someone who's nearsighted might not see faces clearly but can trust what others tell them about who's there, faith helps us trust that the world is exactly as God says it is.
A Story of Two Brothers
One of the earliest family stories in the Bible is found in Genesis 4. It's about two brothers: Cain and Abel. This story happens when there were only four people on the planet – Adam, Eve, and their two sons. You might think, "With just four people, what could go wrong?" As it turns out, quite a lot.
Both brothers brought offerings to God. Abel, who kept sheep, brought the firstborn and best parts of his flock. Cain, who was a farmer, brought some of his produce. The Bible tells us that God accepted Abel's offering but not Cain's. The difference wasn't necessarily in what they brought, but in the heart behind their offerings. Abel brought his best, while Cain just brought... something.
When Things Go Wrong
Cain's response to God's rejection of his offering is probably familiar to anyone who's ever felt jealous of a sibling or friend. He got angry. Really angry. His face fell and instead of rejecting his own half-hearted actions, he fixated on tearing down his brother's success.
But here's something amazing – instead of immediately condemning Cain, God opened a conversation: "Why are you angry? If you do what is right, won't you be accepted?" God gave Cain a chance to change direction, warning him that sin was "crouching at the door" but that Cain "must choose to rule over it."
Unfortunately, Cain made the wrong choice. He killed his brother Abel, becoming the first murderer in human history. When God asked him where Abel was, Cain gave that famous response: "Am I my brother's keeper?"
The Surprising Part of the Story
Here's where the story takes an unexpected turn. Instead of immediate destruction, God showed mercy to Cain. He put a mark on him for protection and allowed him to live, have a family, and even build cities. Meanwhile, Abel – who did everything right – didn't even get to speak a word in the story. He just...disappeared.
Or did he?
God's Perspective: The Rest of the Story
When we turn to Hebrews 11:4, we find God's perspective on Abel: "By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he was commended as righteous, God commending him by accepting his gifts. And through his faith, though he died, he still speaks."
This is the incredible truth: God remembers our worship when the world wipes it away.
Abel didn't get to speak in his lifetime, but his faith still speaks today. Jesus himself mentioned Abel, calling him "righteous Abel" (Matthew 23:35) and identifying him as the first in a long line of faithful people who suffered for doing what was right.
The Hard Truth and the Good News
This brings us to a difficult truth: doing the right thing doesn't guarantee an easy life. Abel did everything right and still suffered. But there's hope in this story. First Peter 2:21 tells us that Christ also suffered, "leaving an example so that you might follow in his steps."
The good news? Hebrews 12:24 tells us that Jesus's blood "speaks a better word than the blood of Abel." Where Abel's blood cried out for justice from the ground, Christ's blood speaks of forgiveness and victory over sin.
What This Means for Us
So what can we learn from this ancient family story?
God notices our sincere worship, even when others don't.
Doing the right thing might not prevent suffering.
God doesn't forget those who suffer unjustly.
Through Christ, we have hope beyond our current circumstances.
As we gather with our families this holiday season, remembering both happy and difficult stories, we can trust that God sees the complete picture. He remembers what the world forgets, and He values faith-filled actions that might seem forgotten by others.
Remember: your story isn't over yet. And God knows the rest of it.
Scripture references: Genesis 4, Hebrews 11:1-4, Matthew 23:35, 1 Peter 2:21, Hebrews 12:24