Is there more to life than just chasing comfort?

Have you ever felt like the odds were completely stacked against you? Like no matter what you did, success seemed impossible? The story of Moses in Exodus is all about moving towards hope through trusting God’s Word when hope looks hopeless.

A Crazy Family Story

Most families have stories that define them. For some, it's about hard work, resilience, or overcoming big challenges. In the Bible, there's an incredible family story about the Israelites that shows how God works through ordinary people in extraordinary ways.

The story begins with a scary situation. The Egyptian Pharaoh decided to kill all of the Hebrew baby boys (Exodus 1:22). But Moses' mom wasn't going to let that happen. She made a waterproof basket and placed her baby in the Nile River - right where Pharaoh's daughter would find him. Talk about a bold move!

Moses grew up in the royal palace, with everything he could want. He had the best education, food, and comfort. But something inside him knew he belonged somewhere else. He was drawn to be with his own people - the slaves the Egyptians were oppressing.

Choosing What Really Matters

When Moses grew up, he made an incredible choice. He could have stayed in the palace, enjoying "the fleeting pleasures of sin" (Hebrews 11:25). Instead, he chose to stand with his people, even if it meant being mistreated.

Pastor Michael put it this way: "Our richest wealth is an inheritance of Christ's disgrace." Moses understood something powerful - that being faithful was worth more than all the treasure in Egypt.

Imagine giving up everything - wealth, comfort, safety - to stand with people who were suffering. That's exactly what Moses did. He wasn't perfect (he even killed an Egyptian and had to run away), but he kept coming back to what he knew was right.

When Faith Looks Crazy

The Exodus story is full of moments that seem impossible. God tells the Israelites to prepare for freedom by eating a special meal - before they're actually free They had to cook the lamb, put blood on their doorposts, and get ready to leave - all without knowing exactly what would happen (Exodus 12).

Don’t miss this powerful moment: These people were preparing a meal for a freedom they couldn't see yet. They were acting like they believed God's promise before it happened. That's real faith.

When Pharaoh's army chased them, things looked desperate. Chariots were coming, and the Israelites were just people on foot. But Moses told them something amazing: "Fear not. Stand firm and see the salvation of Yahweh" (Exodus 14:13).

And then God did something wild - He split the sea in half, letting them walk through on dry ground. When the Egyptian army followed God brought the waters crashing down on them.

What This Means for Us Today

The big question is: How are we living today that shows we believe what God says is coming?

It's easy to get distracted by "snacks" - little comforts and temporary pleasures. But God is inviting us to a much bigger table - an eternal one. Pastor Michael challenged listeners to stop being afraid of earthly challenges and instead trust in the One who knows all things.

Moses learned from his parents to trust God more than human comforts. He chose to believe that God's promises were more important than any external threats.

Your Challenge:

  • Are you living like you really believe God's promises?

  • What "treasures of Egypt" might you need to let go of?

  • Can you trust God even when things look impossible?

The story of Moses isn't just an old historical tale. It's a reminder that God works through ordinary people who are willing to have extraordinary faith.



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