Your mom.
Wherever you find yourself this weekend, we want to wish a very happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there. We are grateful for God’s work of grace in our lives through you!
Let's celebrate with those who are making their decision to follow Jesus public! Follow our convoy to Carnie Island Park for a cookout and baptism celebration. Bring a favorite side dish and we'll provide burgers and hot dogs.
A Special Thanks
Next week we will be taking down several “problem trees” across our property. This first step towards opening our property to the community as a Park is possible because of a generous donation from a supporter of our mission in Ocala. Special thanks to them and thank you to Anderson Tree Care for doing the work!
Ladies Bible Study @ Lockstampfor Residence \\ Wednesday, May 4 @ 10:00am
Youth Group \\ Wednesday, May 4 @ 6:00pm
Worship Celebration, in person or online \\ Sunday, May 8 @ 10:00am
“Life” Group @ Rozicki Residence \\ Tuesday, May 10 @ 5:30pm
Ladies Bible Study @ Lockstampfor Residence \\ Wednesday, May 11 @ 10:00am
Youth Group \\ Wednesday, May 11 @ 6:00pm
Baptism Celebration at Carney Island Recreation Area \\ Saturday, May 14 @ 12:00