Celebrate Jesus w/ BAPTISM
Let's celebrate with those who are making their decision to follow Jesus public! Follow our convoy to Carnie Island Park for a cookout and baptism celebration. Bring a favorite side dish and we'll provide burgers and hot dogs.
Why don’t things ever seem to be getting better? Let’s just hunker down and mind our own business. The world will sort itself out, right? Join us Sundays at 10am as we explore these questions and more.
Youth Group @ Neighborhood Church \\ Wednesday, May 11 @ 6:00pm
Baptism Celebration at Carney Island Recreation Area \\ Saturday, May 14 @ 12:00
Worship Celebration, in person or online \\ Sunday, May 8 @ 10:00am
Life Group @ Rozicki Residence \\ Tuesday, May 10 @ 5:30pm
Ladies Bible Study @ Lockstampfor Residence \\ Wednesday, May 11 @ 10:00am